Ulrichite crystals from Lake Boga granite quarry, Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, Victoria, Australia.

Ulrichite is a rare green uranium phosphate mineral chemical formula CaCu(UO2)(PO4)2 · 4H2O.
It crystallizes as monoclinic prisms which occur as apple green acicular radiating clusters.
It is a rare phosphate and Mindat has more information from this locality.

Lake Boga Granit Quarry is the type/only lokality of Ulrichite in the world.

All were obtained from Museum of Victoria in a Mineral trade in 1990.
All have a Museum of Victoria label.

All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $11, £12)

No Discount.

Item: ul1. Ulrichite crystals from Lake Boga granite quarry,
Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, N.W, Victoria, Australia.
Matrix size: 4,5x3,5cm.

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Item: ul2. Ulrichite crystals from Lake Boga granite quarry,
Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, N.W, Victoria, Australia.
Matix size: 4,5x2,5cm.

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Item: ul3. Ulrichite crystals from Lake Boga granite quarry,
Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, N.W, Victoria, Australia.
Matrix size: 5x4cm.

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Item: ul4. Ulrichite crystals from Lake Boga granite quarry,
Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, N.W, Victoria, Australia.
Size: 8x4x4,5cm.

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