Stringhamite, (azurite-blue), with Xonotlite (white) or Kinoite (blue) or Junitoite (lavendel) and Whelanite (colourless to pale blue) from Christmas Mine, nr. Hayden, Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Stringhamite is found in vugs of a silicified limestone breccia.
The other minerals are found with different combinations of Stringhamite specimen.A new (1974) azure blue hydrous copper calcium silicate with chemical formula: CaCu(SiO4) · H2O
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Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)No discount available.
Item: str1. Stringhamite w. Xonotlite, Christmas Mine,
nr. Hayden, Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Size: 3.5x2cm. 177:-SEK. US$18.00. Visible crystals.
Ex. Virgin Mining Company. SOLD45. Item: str2. Stringhamite with pale blue Whelanite and
Kinoite coated w. Fluorapophyllite-(K), Christmas Mine,
nr. Hayden, Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Size: 2.5x2cm. 109:-SEK. US$11.00.
Ex. Virgin Mining Company. Item: str3. Stringhamite w. Xonotlite, Christmas Mine,
nr. Hayden, Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Size: 3.2x2cm. 165:-SEK. US$17.00. Visible crystals.
Ex. Virgin Mining Company. SOLD45. Item: str4. Stringhamite w. Xonotlite, Christmas Mine,
nr. Hayden, Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Size: 5x3cm. 132:-SEK. US13.00.
Ex. Virgin Mining Company. SOLD45. Item: str5. Stringhamite w. Xonotlite, Christmas Mine,
nr. Hayden, Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Size: 2.8x2.3cm. 164:-SEK. US$16.00.
Ex. Virgin Mining Company. SOLD45. Item: str6. Stringhamite with pale blue Whelanite
crystals, Christmas Mine, nr. Hayden, Gila County,
Arizona, USA.
Size: 4x3cm. 352:-SEK. US$35.00.
Ex. Virgin Mining Company. Item: str7. Stringhamite w. Xonotlite, on the other
side of the specimen, white Junitoite, Whelainite
pale blue crystals, Christmas Mine, nr. Hayden,
Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Size: 2.8x2.3cm. 164:-SEK. US$16.00.
Ex. Virgin Mining Company. Item: str8. Stringhamite with Kinoite (light blue)
and Xonotlite, Christmas Mine,
nr. Hayden, Gila County, Arizona, USA.
Size: 6x3cm. 142:-SEK. US$14.00
Ex.Cureton Mineral Company Label.