Strengite crystals on martite from Leveäniemi Iron Mine, County of Norrbotten, Lappland, Sweden.
Associated minerals in most cases are Beraunite, Rockbridgeite or Laubmannite.
Chemical formula: FePO4 · 2H2OThere is some confusion with Al-Strengite and Phosphosiderite, but all specimens presented here are easy to identify.
Further reading: Our scientific report. (In Swedish.)
All prices are in Swedish currency.
Minimum order 250:- SEK. (= €25, $25, £27)
Discount is available.
Specimen from 25:-SEK or lower are excluded.This Lot no:5 was published in september 2024.
Now you have the opportunity to make a good purchase of the best strengites from our warehouse.
SÅLD / SOLD Oktober 7th.
All pictures are close-up.
Item: str109. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x2cm. 40:-SEK. US$4.00. Item: str110. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 5x2cm. 210:-SEK. US$21.00. Perfect specimen. 10 crystals. Item: str118. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 2.5x1.3cm. 20:-SEK. US$2.00. Item: srt111. Strengite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3.5x2.5x1cm. 225:-SEK. US$22.50.
Perfect large crystals. Item: str125 Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x1,5cm. 10:-SEK. US$1.00. Item: str115. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 4x3cm. 115:-SEK. US$11.50. Item: str100. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 2x1cm. 175:-SEK. US$17.50.
With minor yellow Kidwellite and brown Mitridatite. Item: str120. Strengite w. Laubmannite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3.5x2cm. 65:-SEK. US$6.50. Item: str113. Strengite w. Laubmannite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x2.5cm. 230:-SEK. US$23.00.
Small specimen with first-rate crystals. Item: str114. Strengite w. Beraunite,
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 7.5x6cm. 325:-SEK. US$32.50.
First-rate crystals. Can´t be trimmed any further. Heavy 425g. Item: str98. Strengite w. Laubmannite, Rockbridgeite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x3cm. 65:-SEK. US$6.50. Item: str108. Strengite w. Beraunite.,
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 2.5x2cm. 75:-SEK. US$7.50. Strengite on three sides. Item: str116. Strengite w. Laubmannite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x1cm. 175:-SEK. US$17.50.
With yellow Tinticte, green-yellow Kidwellite
and brown Mitridatit. Item: str121. Strengite w.Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 2.5x2.5cm. 10:-SEK. US$1.00. Item: str122. Strengite w.Kidwellite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 5x5cm. 10:-SEK. US$1.00. Heavy. Item: st124. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 2x1.5cm. 25:-SEK. US$2.50. Item: str123. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 2.5x2,5cm. 35:-SEK. US$3.50. Item: str117. Strengite w. Kidwellite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 7x3.5cm. 165:-SEK. US$16.50. First-rate crystals. Heavy. Item: st126. Strengite w. Strunzite, Fluellite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 4x2cm. 95:-SEK. US$9.50. First-rate crystals. Item: st127. Strengite w. Beraunite.
Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x2cm. 20:-SEK. US$2.00. 3 Strengite crystals. Item: st119. Strengite w. Laubmannite. Leveäniemi mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 10.5x5cm. 750:-SEK. US$75.00. First-rate crystals. Can´t be trimmed any further. Heavy 1,125kg.