Rhodocrosite, Argentina, Peru, south Africa..

All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $9, £9)

No / Discount on x is available.

Item: xrh1. Rhodocrosite, Argentina. Size: 4,5x3cm. 55:-SEK. SOLD
Item: xrh2. Rhodocrosite, Pasta Buena, Peru. Size: 6x4cm. 60:-SEK. SOLD24.
Item: rh3. Rhodocrosite, Kuruman, Kalahari, South Africa. Size: 3x3,5cm. 35:-SEK. SOLD
Item: rh8. Rhodocrosite, Baia Maria, Romania. Size: 9x5cm. 75:-SEK.
Item: xrh4. Tumbled Rhodocrosite, Argentina. 250gm. 125:-SEK. SOLD.
Item: xrh5. Oval Cabochon 13x18mm. Rhodocrosite, Argentina. Each 48:-SEK. From left to right: No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5. No 5 SOLD

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