Herkimer "diamonds" are double-terminated quartz crystals discovered within exposed outcrops of dolomite in and around Herkimer County, New York, USA.

All prices are in Swedish currency or US$.
Minimum order 50:- SEK. (= €5, $5, £6)

No discounts.

All "diamonds" are geniune and untreated.

All pictures are close-up and taken in daylight!

Item: lot1. Herkimer diamonds, Herkimer, Co.,
New York. USA.
Size: 2-3mm. 6:-SEK each. 15 crystals. 90:-.
No top grading.
Item: lot2. Herkimer diamonds, Herkimer, Co.,
New York. USA.
Size: 4-5mm. 13:50:-SEK each.
30 crystals. 300:-SEK. No top grading.
Item: lot3. Herkimer diamonds, Herkimer, Co.,
New York. USA.
Size: 7-8mm. 27:-SEK each.
27 crystals. 715:-SEK. No top grading.
Item: lot4. Herkimer diamonds, Herkimer, Co.,
New York. USA.
Size: 8-9mm. 55:50:-SEK each.
24 crystals. 1.200:-SEK. No top grading.
Item: lot5. Herkimer diamonds, Herkimer, Co.,
New York. USA.
Size:10-12mm. 115:-SEK each. 3 crystals.
Item: lot6. Herkimer diamonds, Herkimer, Co.,
New York. USA.
Size: 18mm 150:- and 20mm 245:- SEK. (large)
Item: lot6. Herkimer diamonds, Herkimer, Co.,
New York. USA.
Size: 4-6,5mm. 345:-SEK. Mine run. 26 crystals. No top grading.
The price is 50% below current market price.

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