Montebrasite from Tin Mountain mine, Custer County, South Dacota, USA.

Montebrasite is an uncommon phosphate mineral and very closely related to Amblygonite.

All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)

No discount available.

Item: mo1. Montebrasite, Tin Mountain mine, Custer County, S.D. USA.
Size: 5x5cm. 20:-SEK. US$2.00. 46g.
Item: mo2. Montebrasite, Tin Mountain mine, Custer County, S.D. USA.
Size: 3.5x3x2cm. 15:-SEK. US$1.50. 36g.
Item: mo2. Montebrasite, Vitaniemi pegmatite, Finland.
Size: 3x3x1xcm. 15:-SEK. US$1.50. 16g.