Mixite with Zeunerite from Cornwall, England and two from Germany.
The chemical formula is BiCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6 · 3H2O and is a rare phosphate with pale to blue-green colour.
Zeunerite is a green copper uranium arsenate mineral with the same colour as mixite.All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)No Discount available.
Item: mix10. Mixite with Zeunerite, Cliff Lode, Wh. Edward,
St. Just, West Cornwall, England.
Size: 5x4cm. 50:-SEK. US$4,50. Item: mix11. Mixite, Silberbrünnel, Germany
Size: 5x2cm. 15:-SEK. US$1,25. Item: mix12. Mixite with Zeunerite, Cliff Lode,
Wh. Edward, St. Just, West Cornwall, England.
Size: 5x3,5cm. 55:-SEK. US$5,00. Item: mix13. Mixite with Zeunerite, Cliff Lode,
Wh. Edward, St. Just, West Cornwall, England.
Size: 3,5x2cm. 45:-SEK. US$4,00. Item: mix14. Mixite with Zeunerite, Cliff Lode,
Wh. Edward, St. Just, West Cornwall, England.
Size: 2,5x2,3cm. 75:-SEK. US$7,00.
Small and the best in the show. SOLD27 Item: mix15. Mixite, Grube Clara, Germany
Size: 5x2cm. 25:-SEK. US$1,25.
Renowned mine. Item: mix16. Mixite with Zeunerite, Cliff Lode,
Wh. Edward, St. Just, West Cornwall, England.
Size: 3,5x3cm. 55:-SEK. US$5,00. Item: mix17. Mixite with Zeunerite, Cliff Lode,
Wh. Edward, St. Just, West Cornwall, England.
Size: 4,5x3,5cm. 45:-SEK. US$4,00.