Selected Libethenite specimens with or without Pseudo Malachite from Portugal.

Libethenite is a secondary copper phosphate mineral found in the oxidized zone of copper ore deposits.

All prices are in Swedish currency.
Minimum order 100:- SEK this page

Item: 94051. Libethenite, Mostardeira Mine, Estremoz, Évora, Portugal.
Size 3,5x1cm.
Item: 8584w Miguel Vacas Mine, Vila Viçosa, Évora, Portugal.
SOLD SEK Size: 4x3cm.
Item: 15540. Libethenite, Mostardeira Mine, Estremoz, Évora, Portugal.
55:- Size: 3,5x1cm
Item: 8586w Miguel Vacas Mine, Vila Viçosa, Évora, Portugal.
Portugal. 55:- SEK Size: 3x3cm.
Item: 38918. Libethenite, Mostardeira Mine, Estremoz, Évora, Portugal.
60:- Size:4,5x2,5cm
Item: 8580w Miguel Vacas Mine, Vila Viçosa, Évora, Portugal.
Portugal. 60:- SEK Size: 4x4cm.
Item: 94053. Libethenite, Mostardeira Mine, Estremoz, Évora, Portugal. 60:- Size 2x1,5
Item: 17613. Libethenite, Mostardeira Mine, Estremoz, Évora, Portugal. 110:- Size:2,5x5cm

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