Heulandite crystal groups from Nasik or Aurangabad, India and some fromMiddle Fork of the Gila River, Catron Co.,N.M., USA.

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All prices are in Swedish currency.
Minimum order 100:- SEK. (= €10, $11, £12)
Discount is available.

Item: h37. Heulandite, Middle Fork of the Gila River, N.M., USA.
Size: 4,5x5cm. 50:-SEK.
Item: h29. Heulandite, Aurangabad, India.
Size: 6x3,5cm. 110:-SEK. With fine Mordenite crystals.
Item: h24. Heulandite, Aurangabad, India.
Size: 4x3cm. 50:-SEK. Clean perfect crystals.
Item: h09. Heulandite, Aurangabad, India.
Size: 4,5x3,5cm. 80:-SEK. Clean perfect crystals.
Item: h35.Heulandite, Middle Fork of the Gila River, N.M., USA.
Size: 5x4cm.(50:-) now 35:-SEK.
Item: h25. Heulandite, Nasik, India.
Size: 3x3,5cm. 90:-SEK. Clean perfect crystals.
Item: h27. Heulandite, Nasik, India.
Size: 6x4cm. 124:-SEK. Well protected cavity.
Item: h34. Heulandite, Middle Fork of the Gila River, N.M., USA.
Size: 3x3cm. 35:-SEK.
Item: h28. Heulandite, Nasik, India.
Size: 3,5x4cm. 95:-SEK. Clean perfect crystals.
Item: h26. Heulandite, Aurangabad, India.
Size: 4,5x3cm. 72:-SEK. Clean perfect crystals.

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