Eudialyte with albite, magnesioriebechite, aegerine, Norra Kärr, County of Smaland, Sweden.
Small samples of Eudialyte with sodalite from Kvanefjeld, Ilimaussaq, Greenland.All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €102,$12,£12)Discount is available.
Item:90e. Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 4,5x3cm. 45:-SEK. Item:91e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 4,5x3cm. 15 :-SEK Item:92e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 6x4cm. 35 :-SEK Item:93e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 6x3cm. 45:-SEK. Item:94e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 4,5x5cm. 60:-SEK. Item:95e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 4,5x3,5cm. 65:-SEK. Item: 74. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 2,4x2,4cm. 15:-SEK. Item: 76. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 3x3cm. 5:-SEK. Item: 78. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 5x2cm. 40:-SEK. Item:97e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 7x6cm. 20:-SEK. Item:98e. Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden
Size: 4,5x2,5cm. 50:-SEK. SOLD24. Item:602e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 6x6cm. 45:-SEK. Item:603e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 8x6,5 cm. 95:-SEK. Item:604e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 8,5x6cm. 85:-SEK. Item:605e.Eudialyte, Norra Kärr, Sweden.
Size: 5x4cm. 75:-SEK. Item: 79. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 3x2,5cm. 45:-SEK. Item: 80. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 3,5x2,5cm. 15:-SEK. Item: 81. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 3,5x2cm. 10:-SEK. SOLD24. Item: 82. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 4x3,5cm. 10:-SEK. Item: 83. Eudialyte w. sodalite, Kvanefjeld,
Ilimaussaq, Greenland.
Size: 4,5x4cm. 25:-SEK.