Dioptase from Mount Altyn-Tjube, Kasakstan, Russia and DR Congo.

All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)

No discount available.

Item: dio1. Dioptase, Mount Altyn-Tjube,
Kasakstan, Russia.
Size: 2,5x1,3cm. 40:-SEK.
Item: dio2. Dioptase, Mount Altyn-Tjube,
Kasakstan, Russia.
Size: 2,1x1,4cm. 45:-SEK.
Item: dio3. Dioptase, Mount Altyn-Tjube,
Kasakstan, Russia.
Size: 1,8x2,2cm. 66:-SEK.
Item: dio4. Dioptase, Mount Altyn-Tjube,
Kasakstan, Russia.
Size: 5x3cm. 172:-SEK.
Item: dio5. Dioptase, Mount Altyn-Tjube,
Kasakstan, Russia.
Size: 3x3cm. 194:-SEK. Museum Label.
Item: dio6. Dioptase, Tantara Mine, Haut-Ktanga,
DR Congo.
Size: 4,5x2,8cm. 213:-SEK.
Item: dio7. Dioptase Tantara Mine, Haut-Ktanga,
DR Congo. Size: 4x2cm. 242:-SEK.

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