Cyprine, Øvstebø, Kleppan, Saurland, Telemark, Norway.
Cyprine is a blue variety of the mineral Vesuvianite.It is IMA approved and the Øvstebø is the type locality.
Chemical formula: Ca19Cu2+ (Al,Mg12) Si18O69(OH)9All prices are in Swedish currency and US$.
Exchange rate 100:- SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)
Discount is not available.
This Lot was published in December 2024.
Item: cy1. Cyprine with Quartz and Thulite, Øvstebø,
Kleppan, Saurland, Telemark, Norway.
Size: 5x4cm. 125:-SEK. US$13.00. Weight: 84g. Item: cy2. Cyprine with Quartz, Øvstebø,Kleppan,
Saurland, Telemark, Norway.
Size: 4x3.5cm. 125:-SEK. US$13.00. Weight: 33g