Chrysocolla from many countries.
All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)Discount is available.
Item:chr1. Chrysocolla pseudomorph after Azurite,
Sierra Grande, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Size: 4,5x2,5cm. 70:-SEK. US$7,00. Item: ma67. Malachite, Chrysocolla, Cornetite, LÉtoile du Congo Mine, Lubumbashi, Haut-Ktanga, DR Congo.
Size: 4x2,5cm. 124:-SEK. US$12,50. Also on Malachite page. Item:chr4. Chrysocolla & Malachite, Pahtohavare
Copper Mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 4x2,5cm. 15:-SEK. US$1,50. Item: ma52. Chrysocolla, Malachite, Cornetite, LÉtoile du Congo
Mine, Lubumbashi, Haut-Ktanga, DR Congo.
Size: 4x3,5cm. 169:-SEK. US$17,00. Also on Malachite page.* Item:ma71. Chrysocolla & Malachite, San Pedro Mine,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA.
Size: 3,5x2cm. 26:-SEK. US$2,50. Also on Malachite page. Item:chr3. Chrysocolla & Malachite, San Pedro Mine,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA.
Size: 9x4cm. 135:-SEK. US$713,50. Item:ma17. Chrysocolla, Malachite, Cornetite, LÉtoile du Congo Mine,
Lubumbashi, Haut-Ktanga, DR Congo.
Size: 3x2,5cm. 122:-SEK. Also on Malachite page.* Item:chr17. Chrysocolla on and between layers of Quartz,
Globe, Arizona, USA.
Size: 7,5x7cm. 63:-SEK. US$6,50. Has been cut on one side. Item: chr11. Chrysocolla & Malachite, Pahtohavare
Copper Mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x3cm. 85:-SEK. US$8,50. Item: chr13. Chrysocolla, Garpenberg, Sweden.
Size: 5,5x2,5cm. 25:-SEK. US$2,50. Item:chr5. Chrysocolla, Castle Dome, Miami,
Arizona, USA.
Size: 8x6cm. 75:-SEK. US$7,50. Item:chr9. Chrysocolla & Malachite, San Pedro Mine,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA.
Size: 3x3cm. 45:-SEK. US$4,50. Item: chr10. Chrysocolla & Malachite, Pahtohavare
Copper Mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 3x3cm. 15:-SEK. US$1,50. Item:ma04. Chrysocolla & Malachite, San Pedro Mine,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA.
Size: 1,5x3cm. 45:-SEK. US$4,50. Small. Good colour. * Item:ma81. Chrysocolla & Malachite, San Pedro Mine,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA.
Size: 4x3cm. 65:-SEK. US$6,50. Also on Malachite page. Item:ma80. Malachite, Chrysocolla, Cornetite,
LÉtoile du Congo Mine, Lubumbashi, Haut-Ktanga, DR Congo.
Size: 7,5x5cm. 227:-SEK. US$23,00. Also on Malachite page. Item:chr14. Chrysocolla & Malachite, Pahtohavare
Copper Mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 4x3,5cm. 55:-SEK. US$5,50. Item:ma59. Chrysocolla & Malachite, San Pedro Mine,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA.
Size: 4x3cm. 32:-SEK. * Item:ma46. Malachite, Chrysocolla, Cornetite, L'Etoile du Congo Mine,
Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo.
Size: 8,5x4,5cm. 418.00:- SEK . US$42,00.* Also on Malachite page. Item:chr8. Chrysocolla & Malachite, San Pedro Mine,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA.
Size: 4,5x2,5cm. 53:-SEK. US$5,50. Item:chr16. Chrysocolla Gem cutting quality,
Globe, Arizona, USA.
Size: 6x5cm. 234 :-SEK. US$23,50. Item:chr12. Chrysocolla & Malachite, Pahtohavare
Copper Mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 4x3cm. 49:-SEK. US$5,00. Item:chr15. Chrysocolla, Grube Clara, Germany.
Size: 7x3cm. 54 :-SEK. US$5,50. Item:chr18. Chrysocolla in Opal matrix, Pahtohavare
Copper Mine, Lappland, Sweden.
Size: 6,5x2,5cm. 87:-SEK. US$59,00.