Chondrodite, Finland, Sweden and Norway.
A mineral in the humit group consisting of basic silicate of magnesium (Mg,Fe)5(SiO4)2(F,OH,O)2
Appears mostly as rounded grains, but also as tabular crystals of yellowish to brown colour.All prices are in Swedish currency or US$.
Minimum order 100:- SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)
Discount is available. Specimens from 25:-SEK or cheaper are excluded.This Lot was published in August 2024.
All pictures are close-up and taken in daylight!
Item: ch1. Chondrodite, Pargas, Finland.
Size: 2,5x2,5cm. 75:-SEK. US$7.50. SOLD37 Item: ch2. Chondrodite with Spinell, Stora Vika, Sweden.
Size: 2,5x2,5cm. 35:-SEK. US$3.50. SOLD37 Item: ch3. Chondrodite, Pargas, Finland.
Size: 2,5x2,5cm. 45:-SEK. US$4.50. Item:ch4. Chondrodite, Pargas, Finland.
Size: 2,5x2cm. 50:-SEK. US$5.00. Item: ch6. Chondrodite, Pargas, Finland.
Size: 4x2cm. 45:-SEK. US$4.50. Item: ch5. Chondrodite, Pargas, Finland.
Size: 5x3,5cm. 115:-SEK. US$11.50. Item: ch7.Chondrodite, Nisservann, Norway.
Size: 2,5x2,5cm. 95:-SEK. US$9.50. Item: ch9. Chondrodite, Mansjö, Sweden.
Size: 6x4,5cm. 175:-SEK. US$17.50. Item: ch8. Chondrodite w.Phlogopite, Viitaniemi, Finland.
Size: 5x3,5cm. 105:-SEK. US$10.50. Item: ch10. Chondrodite, Pargas, Finland.
Size: 6,5x3cm. 145:-SEK. US$14.50.