Chalcosiderite, Wheal Phoenix, Linkinghorne, Cornwall, England.
It is a copper phosphate with apple-green colour.
The chemical formula is CuFe3+6(PO4)4(OH)8 · 4H2OAll prices are in Swedish currency.
.Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $11, £12)No Discount.
Item: ch1. Chalcosiderite, Wheal Phoenix, Linkinghorne, Cornwall, England.
Size: 4x3cm. 30:-SEK. US$3,00. SOLD27 Item: ch2.Chalcosiderite, Wheal Phoenix, Linkinghorne, Cornwall, England.
Size: 2,5x2cm. 27:-SEK. US$2,50. Item: ch3.Chalcosiderite, Wheal Phoenix, Linkinghorne, Cornwall, England.
Size: 3,5x1,5cm. 35:-SEK. US$3,25. SOLD27