Carletonite blue and white crystals from Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada.
Its a rare silicate mineral and a member of the apophyllite group with chemical formula: KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4(OH,F) · H2O
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Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)No discount available.
Item: car1. Carletonite and Arfvedsonite,
Poudrette q., Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada.
Size: 5x3cm. 254:-SEK. US$25.00 Item: car2. Carletonite and Arfvedsonite,
Poudrette q., Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada.
Size: 5x2cm. 210:-SEK. US$21.00