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Boulangerite as lead grey fibrous elongated crystal groups on Lead, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite and Quartz crysrals.

Lokcality: Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden.

All prices are in Swedish currency.
Minimum order 200:- SEK due to high shipping costs.
Wholesale discount is available minimum 4 Boulangerite specimens.

Item: bou1. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size: 3,5x2,0cm. 160:-SEK.
Item: bou2. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size: 1,5x2,0cm. 70:- SEK
Item: bou3. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size: 3,0x1,5cm. 70:-SEK.
Item: bou4. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size:4,0 x2,5cm. 190:-SEK.
Item: bou5a. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size: 3,5x1,5cm. 145:-SEK.
Item: bou6. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size: 2,5x4,0cm. 170:-SEK
Item: bou7. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size: 2,5x2cm. 75:-SEK.
Item: bou8. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size: 4x3cm. 195:-SEK.
Item: bou9. Boulangerite, Nasafjäll Silver Mine, Norrbotten, Sweden. Size:1,5 x2,5 cm. 45:-SEK.

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