Baryte (Barite) from Poland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, England, Spain, DR Congo.
All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $10, £12)Discount is available.
No discount on 5:-to 25:-SEK specimens.
Item: ba60. Baryte, Alnön, Medelpad, Sweden.
Size: 4x4cm. 25:-SEK. US$,50. Close up. Item: ba70. Baryte w. Sulphur, Tarnoberg, Machow, Poland.
8x7cm. 162:-SEK. US$16,25. Item: ba38. Baryte minor Malachite,
Shangulowé Mine, Kambove, Lualaba, DR Congo.
Size: 3x2cm. 87:-SEK. US$9,00. SOLD18 Item: ba50. Baryte, Mibladen, Morocco.
Size: 7,5x4,5cm. 132:-SEK. US$13,25. 420g. SOLD32. Item: ba61. Baryte, Lasbeck, Germany.
4x2,5cm. 30:-SEK. US$3,00. Close up. Item: ba71. Baryte w. Sulphur crystals, Tarnoberg,
Machow, Poland.
7,5x6cm. 155:-SEK. US$15,50. SOLD Item: ba39. Baryte inor Malachite, Shangulowé Mine, Kambove, Lualaba, DR Congo.
Size: 2x2,5cm. 288:-SEK. US$28,75. Close up. Item: ba51b. Baryte nodule in half, Trelde Næs, Denmark.
Size: 3x3,5cm. 25:-SEK. US$2,50. Item: ba72. Baryte on Sulphur, Tarnoberg,
Machow, Poland.
5x4cm. 63:-SEK. US$6,50. Item: ba75. Baryte w. Sulphur, Tarnoberg,
Machow, Poland.
9x7cm. 166:-SEK. US$16,50. Museum Label. SOLD Item: ba62. Baryte with Lepidocroite,
Grube Clara, Germany.
5x3cm. 35:-SEK. US$3,50. Close up pict. Item: ba74. Baryte, Tarnoberg, Machow, Poland.
8x6cm. 152:-SEK. US$15,25. Item: ba52. Baryte, Aysgarth, England.
3,5x2cm. 20:-SEK. US$2,00. Item: ba59.Baryte, Workington, Cumbria, England.
4,5x2cm. 15:-SEK. US$1,50. Item: ba63. Baryte, Montseny, Spain.
3,5x2cm. 20:-SEK. US$2,00. Item: ba54. Baryte, Union Murcia, Spain.
4x3cm. 78:-SEK. US$7,75. Item: ba73. Baryte, Tarnoberg, Machow, Poland.
4,5x3,5cm. 75:-SEK. US$7,50. SOLD Item: ba43. Baryte minor Malachite and Heterogenite,
Shangulowé Mine, Kambove, Lualaba, DR Congo.
Size: 3,5x3,5cm. 290:-SEK. US$30,00. Close up. Item: ba53. Baryte, Bamble, Norway.
2x1,5cm. 34:-SEK. US$3,50. Item: ba61b. Baryte w. Fluorite, Grube Clara, Germany.
3,5x4cm. 25:-SEK. US$2,50.