Aragonite from Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco or Spain.
Some have other labels such as Luzón and Cuenca.
These specimens have been called 'sputnik'.

Very few of the remaining stock show bright green fluorescence in UV-SW light.

The normal retail price for the specimen is around 60:-SEK or €6.00.
This is a clearance sale as one LOT/FLAT. The best deal.
Or the Minimum order is 5 specimens.

All prices are in Swedish currency.
Exchange rate for 100:-SEK. (= €10, $9, £9)

Item:ar6. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 2,5x2,5cm. 30:-SEK.
Item:ar5. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3x3,5cm. 35:-SEK.
Item:ar1. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3x3,8cm. 55:-SEK.
Item:ar7. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,5x2,5cm. 30:-SEK.
Item:ar8. Aragonite, Lavrion, Greece.
Size: 6x5cm. 48:-SEK.
Item:ar2. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 5x3cm. 65:-SEK.
Item:ar9. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,5x2cm. 30:-SEK.
Item:ar10. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,5x3cm. 45:-SEK.
Item:ar3. Aragonite, Guenca, Spain.
Size: 4x4cm. 50:-SEK.
Item:ar11. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3x3,5cm. 40:-SEK.
Item:ar12. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 2x2,5cm. 25:-SEK.
Item:ar13. Aragonite, Wingertsberg, Germay.
Size: 4x4cm. 5:-SEK.
Item:ar14. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 4x3cm. 40:-SEK.
Item:ar15. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3x2,5cm. 25:-SEK.
Item:ar16. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3x2cm. 30:-SEK.
Item:ar17. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,7x3cm. 40:-SEK.
Item:ar18. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3x2,5cm. 25:-SEK.
Item:ar20. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 4x4cm. 45:-SEK.
Item:ar21. Aragonite, In den Dellen, Germany.
Size: 4x3cm. 5:-SEK.
Item:ar20a. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,5x3cm. 35:-SEK.
Item:ar22. Aragonite, Lavrion, Greece.
Size: 5x3cm. 40:-SEK.
Item:ar35. Aragonite, Nickenicher Sattel, Germany.
Size: 3x2cm. 5:-SEK.
Item:ar24. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,5x2,7cm. 30:-SEK.
Item:ar25. Aragonite, Luzón, Spain.
Size: 4,5x3cm. 55:-SEK.
Item:ar26. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 2,4x2,7cm. 25:-SEK.
Item:ar27. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 4,5x3,2cm. 40:-SEK.
Item:ar28. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,7x2,5cm. 30:-SEK.
Item:ar29. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 3,3x2cm. 25:SEK.
Item:ar30. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 4x3cm. 40:-SEK.
Item:ar31. Aragonite, Lavrion, Greece.
Size: 6x4cm. 47:-SEK.
Item:ar32. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 4,2x3cm. 30:-SEK.
Item:ar33. Aragonite
Size: 4x4cm. 35:-SEK.
Item:ar34. Aragonite, Tazouta, Sefrou, Morocco.
Size: 4x3cm. 35:-SEK.
Item:ar23. Aragonite, Lavrion, Greece.
Size: 9x5cm. 71:-SEK.
Item:ar36. Aragonite w. Azurite, Lavrion, Greece.
Size: 3x2,3cm. 15:-SEK.
Item:ar37. Aragonite, Luzón, Spain.
Size: 7,5x4,5cm. 25:-SEK.
Item:ar38. Aragonite Weardale, Scotland.
Size: 3,5x3,5cm. 93:-SEK.