Green Apophyllite crystal groups from Lonawala, India. LOT 2
This Lot no:2 was published in September 2024.
All prices are in Swedish currency.
Minimum order 200:- SEK. (= €20, $20, £24)
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ID:ag26. Green Apophyllite with Mesolite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 7.5x5.5cm. 220:-SEK. US$12.00. Cabinet size specimen. 110g. Item:ag24. Green Apophyllite w Stilbite and Scolecite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 5x6,5cm. 170:-SEK.US$17,00. SOLD to No:40. ID:ag14. Green Apophyllite w Stilbite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 4.5x2.3cm. 40:-SEK. US$4.00. ID:ag13. Green Apophyllite w Heulandite on Prehnite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 4.5x3.5cm. 70:-SEK. US$7.00. ID:ag3. Green Apophyllite w Heulandite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 6x3.5cm. 55:-SEK. US$5.50. ID:ag4. Green Apophyllite w Stilbite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 3x1.5cm. 5:-SEK. US$0.50. ID:ag10. Green Apophyllite w Heulandite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 8.5x3.5cm. 125:-SEK. US$12.50. Small cabinet size. 87g. ID:ag12. Green Apophyllite on Prehnite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 3x3cm. 45:-SEK. US$4.50. ID:ag7. Green Apophyllite w Heulandite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 7x4.5cm. 130:-SEK. US$13.00. ID:ag12. Green Apophyllite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 4x3.5cm. 45:-SEK. US$5.00. ID:ag5. Green Apophyllite, Nasik, India.
Size: 3x6.3cm. 15:-SEK. US$1.50. ID:ag6. Green Apophyllite, Nasik, India.
Size: 2x2cm. 10:-SEK. US$1.00. Item:ag25. Green Apophyllite w Heulandite and Mordenite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 10x7cm. 210:-SEK. US$21.00. Cabinet size. 265g. Item:ag16. Green Apophyllite with Stilbite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 3,5x3,5cm. 75:-SEK. US$7,50.
Deep green colour. SOLD to no:39. ID:ag8. Green Apophyllite minor Heulandite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 4x3.5cm. 85:-SEK. US$8.50. ID:ag9. Green Apophyllite w Heulandite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 4.5x3cm. 65:-SEK. US$6.50. Item:ag28. Green Apophyllite with Heulandite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 13x7cm. 175:-SEK. US$7.50. Cabiner size specimen. 425g or 0.4kg. Item:ag29. Green Apophyllite with minor Heulandite, Nasik, India.
Size: 14x9.5cm. (525:-SEK) now 473:-SEK. US$47.00. Very large cabiner size specimen. 700g or 0.7kg Item:ag30. Green Apophyllite with Heulandite, Stilbite, Lonawala, India.
Size: 8.5x8.5cm. 265:-SEK. US$27.00. Very large cabiner size specimen. 358g.